How Did k-Pop And Drama Emerge Into a Global Phenomenon?
The idea that the South Korean culture of pop and drama has grown into prominence and become a significant global culture driver is referred to as Hallyu. The reason k-pop has become a global phenomenon is because of its distinctive blend of slick choreography, addictive melodies, and production values. K-pop also features an endless parade of very attractive South Korean performers who have spent years learning to dance and sing in a completely synchronized fashion.
- pop has been building its audience base for the last two decades, but it has become increasingly visible to the global audience in the recent 5 to 10 years. The ever-famous BTS albums have been making rounds of the Billboard chart for the most extended period of time. With South Korea hosting the Winter Olympics 2018, geopolitical tensions reached an all-time high. K-pop has brought in a whole new kind of significance to the sociopolitical stratosphere as South Korea displayed its famous K-pop artists in front of the entire world.
There are three primary things that make pop stand out from its competition. These are the exceptionally high-quality performance of the artists, both in terms of singing as well as dancing, an extremely polished level of aesthetic displayed in the performance and finally, an in-house method of production which churns out music in a way the assembly lines really scars.
The combination of cheeky and colourful concepts embedded with very clever choreography and catchy songwriting makes the K-pop songs memorable, fun as well as infectious. Korean studios also focus on producing the music in an algorithmic manner. The content encompasses perfect dancing, perfect singing, perfect entertainment, and finally, perfect videos. These picture-perfect doll-type-looking people in the music video of the songs work very hard for years from the time they were a kid to give you a complete and unmatchable performance.
The reason ost Korean drama album is gaining so much popularity in western culture as well as in the rest of the world is that Korean dramas mainly focus on providing a relaxing atmosphere to the person who is watching. According to the fans, Korean drama shows them what they can relate to, like the current problems which are faced by the youngsters like depression, work-home balance, anxiety, peer pressure, etc. The dramas also have a synergistic effect which has fueled the rising interest in Korean content all around the world.
Korean drama, as well as K-pop, has been fueling each other. A person who initially gets interested in k-pop tends to go ahead and check out Korean dramas and then gets hooked on both. A person who was first interested in Korean dramas decides to go and check out k-pop and gets addicted to both of them. Another reason why Korean dramas are gaining an unprecedented level of popularity is that the South Korean culture is very attractive and beautiful. It is this culture that gets portrayed through massively diverse content like movies, music, drama, etc.
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